Deep, Dark Money-Pits that Pose as Assets

I reckon it was somewhat of a blessing in disguise that my interaction with the financial sector had me first coming into contact with the industry as a consumer, then as a professional working right at the heart of it and then finally as a consumer again. I mean, having the company you work for […]

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Why Tax Havens Aren’t Necessarily Bad by Design

tax haven

Generally, when there’s a story in the news about so-called tax havens it’s met with an air of negativity because of what people ordinarily use tax havens for. I’m not saying tax havens aren’t in on these sinister dealings like hiding ill-gotten gains or evading and avoiding tax, but by design, tax havens aren’t necessarily […]

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My Love-Hate Relationship with the Insurance Industry

insurance industry

I remember the very first morning I woke up and didn’t have to eat breakfast in my car sitting in a rush-hour traffic jam. We had been warned about two weeks before the end of the month that the company had gone bust and that we’d effectively be working off our last few days, so […]

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Building and Maintaining Good Financial Relationships


When a big business you work for starts branching out into that business which requires financial sector regulation, you should either be worried silly or it’s a sign that the company is a really healthy one in terms of its balance sheets. Unfortunately for me the former rather than the latter applied to my situation […]

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How to Deal with Priority Debts

priority debts

Priority debts are debts that are more important than other outgoings. They are classed as a priority as the law allows extreme actions to be taken if a borrower fails to make a repayment. For example, the creditor may: Repossess or evict a debtor from their home Hire bailiffs to remove a person’s belongings from […]

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5 Ways To Save Money As A Couple

save money couple

They say that two is better than one, but two also costs more than the price of one. There are loads of ways to save money as a couple, here are some of our top ways to save pennies when you are in a relationship. Learn to have fun dates without having to spend a […]

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