Sparing or economical as regards money or food
Being frugal with your money is the key to becoming a personal finance superhero. Squeezing your wallet and making smart purchases is one of the best ways to make your money last longer, your savings get higher and your debt gets smaller.
So how do you live a life of frugality? Will you ever get to enjoy life again? Of course! Being frugal helps to balance out any splurges, fun or debt you may be paying off and makes you more financially stable in the long run. So you don’t have to live frugally 100% of the time, start off by trying a 70/30 split and if that’s easier, live life 80% frugally and 20% wildly.
No idea where to start? It’s ok, many people don’t. Here are my top tips for frugal life.
Downsize your house. Do you really need a spare bedroom? Big houses with big rooms are not only expensive because of their square footage; they also run up massive utility costs for the amount of heat they use and all the extra lights. Not to mention, if you have a second bathroom, that’s twice the amount of water. If you’re in a position to, then move somewhere smaller.
Buying second hand for everything is a great way to cut small costs in everyday life. If you need something, ask around first and see if anyone you know has one of what you want spare or are getting rid of. If that search runs dry, hit the thrift stores and charity shops to get a great deal. Also check out eBay and Gumtree for things people are just giving away – often you’ll only have to either pick it up or ay for postage.
Stop eating out when you don’t need to. I know it’s easy and it’s convenient and “oh, it’s only 3”, but those 3s seriously add up and can create an expenditure that is so easily avoidable. Make food at home with the groceries you already have or wait until you’re back at home to eat. Never just give in for the convenience – especially when you had already planned your meal for home! Like I said, you don’t have to live frugally all day, every day forever. Plan for splurges, sometimes this means eating out.
Buying online can sometimes be unnecessary, and having an Amazon Prime account makes it all too tempting to order something for next-day delivery. You should, however, look for discounted and reliable products for your needs when shopping online. For instance, if you want to buy a vacuum cleaner, you can visit sites such as that offer branded and reliable models (you can see them here if interested).
Gyms are really expensive. Sure, health is important, but what is it that you actually do in the gym? Do you run? Use weights? Do aerobics? All these things can be done at home or outside for free, you don’t need to pay 30 a month to go on a treadmill or lift dumbbells. Buy a set from a sports store for around 25 and use them at home, the initial purchase may seem like a luxury, but it will save you money in the long run. You could put the money you save towards even more things that can help you lead a healthy lifestyle, such as some of the best immune support supplements out there so that you can make sure your body will have what it needs to help fight off any nasties.
Drink tap water. We are very lucky in the Western world to have drinkable tap water, utilise this and save money on needless plastic bottles of water that have been bought from the corner shop. If you don’t buy bottled water and buy fizzy drinks or juice, then stop immediately and switch to tap water. Your bank account, and your health, will thank you.
Do it yourself. Do everything yourself. It’s really not as scary as some people think. You only need to be a functioning human being to be able to search for what you need and how to do it online and put it into practice. Need a coffee table? Timber can be bought for about 8. Need to fix the toilet? Save on a plumber and Google the problem. You can save hundreds, if not thousands this way. Of course, there are some bigger jobs where you will find that you do not have the skills, or where paying someone to do it will be crucial in order to ensure that the job is doing properly. For example, should you need window replacement Norfolk, or wherever you are, unless you are professional yourself, you will want to hire someone to do this for you so that they will be fitted correctly and protect your home properly from the elements.
Taking care of your belongings can make them last a whole lot longer. Keep cookers, washing machines, and other kitchen appliances clean. You should also do a regular check on the wiring around the house to make sure they’re in full working order. If necessary, you can also look for electrical inspection and protection guidelines to avoid accidents like short circuits and fires. The electrical safety tips on were especially helpful for me, as I wanted to ensure that I was taking all necessary precautions when working with electricity. Other than house items, maintaining cars is a little trickier but not impossible. Most come with a maintenance manual, or they are easily found online. Take time to come to terms with the body and do routine checks regularly.
Turn off lights. This sounds so simple, but it’s amazing what conserving energy can do for your utility bills. So turn off lights when you leave the room, don’t leave TVs etc on standby, limit radiator time. Do them all and make it your mission to use the smallest amount of energy possible. It could be a bit of a game, examine your statement every month and see how low you can get your usage.