At some point in your life, you may have had an urgent need for money. To most Americans, a short-term loan is one of the ways to get some cash quickly. Unlike in the past when most loans were available through traditional banks, today you can get a personal loan from alternative lenders.
While the availability of credit is no longer a serious issue, the challenge lies in optimizing the funds you receive. Most people tend to lag behind in the repayment schedule. Nevertheless, this situation can be prevented if you are proactive. When you follow these tips, you can get the most out of a short-term loan.
Understand the loan’s terms and conditions
When people are in an urgent need of cash, it is quite easy to rush. You may be trying to get some money to settle some bills before the end of the month, or your business needs a quick boost to survive. Irrespective of the matter in hand, you should refrain from taking loans before understanding the terms and conditions. If there are aspects that are not clear, you can always request the service provider for more information.
If you are dealing with a responsible lender, they’ll be happy to help you understand what you are getting into. However, there are those who will try to push you into signing the deal. If you are not certain the dealer is legit, you are free to walk away and find an alternative.
Always borrow what you need
Basically, a short-term loan is designed to help you get through a rough patch. As such, you will be required to pay back in a few months’ time. Using this loan for long-term financial needs would be a mistake.
With advanced loan underwriting procedures, lenders tend to give you higher offers when they realize you satisfy the requirements. If you are really strapped for cash, it’s easy to be tempted to take a higher amount. Besides, the extra cash can give you a sense of security.
While this looks great on the surface, it’s not the best move to make. If you want to reap high benefits, be content with what your needs require and try to restrict your expenses to the loan purpose. In the end, you will pay higher interest for money you didn’t really need.
Create a budget
As long as you have an income, it’s always wise to have a budget. But this doesn’t work out as planned. If you’ve lost track in your budgeting, it’s time to start over again to make sure your finances are organized.
Before getting the loan, make a budget that accommodates the borrowed money. Figure out how you will pay back the loan in time. At the same time, you need to plan on how the funds are going to be spent, just in case you get tempted to divert the money to other expenses.
Repay the money as fast as you can
While minimum payments mean there is less pressure on your finances, they keep you in debt for a longer time. You should only do this when your financial situation doesn’t allow making extra payments. When making your budget, look for ways to minimize your expenses and free up more money that can be used to pay the loan.
This might call for big lifestyle changes, but you will clear the debt within a short time. At the same time, you will end up saving some money since the interests will be lower.
Don’t get a short-term loan to repay an existing debt
When you borrow a short-term loan to settle a debt, you are exposing yourself to a cyclic debt cycle. Generally, you will be paying double interests and therefore lose more than you can gain. This is what financial experts call loan cycling.
If you are in debt, you need to find other means of settling the debt other than a short-term loan.
Be diligent on your payments
A missed loan payment can happen to anyone due to various reasons that are unforeseen. However, the nature of short-term loans requires that you try your best to stay on track.
Basically, a missed payment attracts some penalties and it increases the outstanding balance. If you wait too long before clearing the loan, the amount will keep on building. If you want to stay safe, automate the payments to make sure no penalties are imposed on you.
Shop around for the cheapest offer
Before settling on a lender, you need to consider several offers and ensure you are getting the best deal. Normally, the APRs indicate the cost of borrowing. as such, you should go for an option with the lowest figure.
Since there are multiple financial providers on the market, you will get different offers to consider. Just don’t get tempted to rush the process simply because you need cash quickly. Take your time and you’ll get most benefits at the end.
Only work with reputable lenders
The lending industry is teeming with players in different categories. Unfortunately, not every service provider has your best interests at heart. To stay safe from predatory loans, you need to ensure you are dealing with a responsible lender.
This can be easily done by performing a quick background check on the provider. Try looking at online reviews to determine how they’ve handled previous customers.
Only borrow to solve short-term needs and make sure you can repay the loan
As a responsible borrower, you should only get into debt when it’s necessary. if you can get the money from an alternative source, postpone the borrowing. At the same time, you need to look at your financial profile and ensure that you can handle the payments comfortably.
Taking a loan that you can’t afford will only get you in deeper financial difficulties. Therefore, before you take a loan to finance your vacation, make sure you can handle the payments. Better still; restrict your borrowing to necessary expenses that you can’t forego.
Final words
While a short-term loan can be a great source of quick money, you need to approach with caution. Overindulgence in short-term debts can result in cyclic debts. However, by following these tips, you will maximize the benefits and have a better financial future.
Author: Oliver Curtis
Hi there. I’m Oliver. I’m just a young boy from the outskirts of… Okay, that’s a lie, I’m not a young boy anymore, although I certainly feel that way at heart.