There was a golden period in the development of our economic system during which things pretty much followed the operational model of the Industrial Revolution, followed by a growing desire for wealth acquisition and uninhibited consumption. I guess it was okay because there was a sense that there were enough resources to go around for everybody.
The population numbers were finely balanced and things like our impact on the environment weren’t too much of an issue. Similarly, the desire for some small sections of the population to get far ahead financially didn’t really proceed in a manner which compromised the prospects of everybody else in the economic game, but things have since changed.
Now it’s almost as if it’s “every man for himself,” but not only that because it also seems as if whenever one man wants to put bread on his table it kind of means someone else, somewhere else will be short on bread to put on their table.
I hate to point a finger at the financial sector again, but that’s where the most greed seems to be doing nothing but growing and growing ever bigger. I mean you get a CEO along with shareholders who sit on the board of huge financial institutions, all of whom make some serious money in bonuses that come in addition to their regular salaries that are already colossal.
Ordinarily, there’s nothing wrong with working really hard if you have a taste of luxuries, but is there any real way we can call what the guys working in the financial sector do every day working hard? Yet these are the guys who make the stupid money!
It wouldn’t be an issue either if they actually did something constructive with that money – something which stimulates the economy like investing in job-creating ventures that take more unemployed people off the streets and puts them in positions which occupy them constructively. What these fellas do however is hog all the money and park it in stupid quasi-assets like share buy-backs, expensive art, yachts, properties all over the world they never even spend a single day of the lives in, etc.
This is the antithesis to greater economic inclusion which is distributed more evenly. Make no mistake about it, I’m not anti-capitalist in any form. I just think that more people who are at the top of the economic food chain should take more responsibility and realise that ultimately it’s for the greater good of everybody for there to be more widely distributed economic inclusion.
What that would mean is that the daytime home burglar who is eyeing your house while you’re away at work could have rather perhaps been the corner shop owner had they had the opportunity to do so over burgling homes. I’m not saying every criminal is only really living out a life of crime because they’ve been deprived of opportunities to pursue other economic avenues, but every pound that is parked somewhere as cash is one pound less circulating in a manner which includes more people in the economy and otherwise gives them a chance to make that choice of earning a living in a more honest manner.
Author: Oliver Curtis
Hi there. I’m Oliver. I’m just a young boy from the outskirts of… Okay, that’s a lie, I’m not a young boy anymore, although I certainly feel that way at heart.