The 9 to 5 can never bring you more money than what can pay your bills. Aren’t you tired of spending your days like this, hoping that one day you will make a fortune? You deserve much better than dreaming. This is why we are bringing you three simple ways in which you can make money online without having to work extra hard.
Sell on Etsy
Do you make something cool and creative? Is origami your hobby? Do you do any small gigs that can be sold for an awesome price? Why don’t you try and sell on This is the perfect place for people who are creative and don’t mind working a couple of hours on a weekend for some easy cash. Spend that on a drink or transfer to your savings account. The choice is all yours.
Play casino games online
Whether you like slot machines or playing cards, playing these games on a website like can change your life forever. You get to have some fun and earn some money too. What’s more? You can even participate in a lottery. Making an amazing living doesn’t get simpler than this. Play when you are taking a break at work or in between the breaks of your favorite TV show. Money making has never been easier than this.
Watch ads/fill surveys
Too tired to do anything creative or even play games? There is an easier alternative for you to make money. Simply visit websites that pay you to watch advertisements. Play the ads, let them run and then play another one. The more ads you watch, the more money you make.
Another good way to make some extra cash is to fill surveys. Here, you only need to answer a few questions about products or services and earn cash in return. Even Google has a similar reward program where you get vouchers for apps. Try it to see how it works on
Making money is simple. You don’t have to work too hard for bringing cash into your bank account and now you know how it happens.
Author: Oliver Curtis
Hi there. I’m Oliver. I’m just a young boy from the outskirts of… Okay, that’s a lie, I’m not a young boy anymore, although I certainly feel that way at heart.