To determine if studying law is the right decision for you, try and ask yourself a series of questions that you should answer an affirmative “yes” to. Ask yourself whether this career path is your decision, and yours only. You are the person who will study for a law degree, not your friends and not your family members. You should be passionate about how the law affects everyday life, and how it can do good for the entirety of the world. Do you understand the nature of the work? A lawyer’s workload and cases differ, and there may be times when you’ll be required to speak to the national and international media especially if you’re on a high-profile case. So you need to think about whether you have the perseverance and confidence to complete media training with somewhere like to ensure that you can speak confidently with journalists and media professionals, just as you would if you were speaking to your client or a jury that was sat before you. If you didn’t know that you would have this responsibility, it only emphasizes the need to make sure that you’re aware of what becoming a lawyer entails.
You’ll have to understand and educate yourself into the different variations of law that you could get into, for example, if you’re wanting to become an appellate attorney, you’ll find you have to educate yourself on many different types of laws and their different aspects. This is due to the fact that appellate law can entail any type of legal proceedings brought to the courts. If you have work experience with a well-established law firm working as a paralegal or legal assistant, or a research or policy analyst, then you will have gained some understanding of what’s expected of you and your next steps.
Look Around
If you’re determined to make it as a lawyer, and you’ve got your heart set on becoming a legal professional, then it’s time to look at studying and where to gain your qualifications from. Consider an affordable JD degree if financing is a particular concern of yours. It’s important to find an affordable law degree, and get a world-class education from a flagship university. So, with this in mind, take your time to figure out which institution to choose while paying only a fraction of the cost you might pay at other schools.
Making It Happen
Aside from exceptional exam results (most law programs ask that you maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA, with many others requiring more), and an extraordinary character willing to show leadership, perseverance, passion, and drive, you’ll need to know that you can remain calm under pressure and be a good time-keeper as well as being self-motivated and organized. In short, you’re going to have to be exceptionally academically bright and have the results to prove it. You needn’t have a clear vision of where you’re going to study, what you’re going to achieve and how you’re going to structure your days of becoming a lawyer just yet although it certainly helps. What’s important is that you have gained a thorough understanding of what’s expected of you and that you are aware of and willing to undertake, the challenges of becoming a lawyer.
Have What It Takes
A law degree demands a specific set of skills and strengths, and to be a good lawyer you must have absolute command of retaining details, legislation, cases, and a wider view of how different areas affect others, and how they interlock. You need to know the ins and outs of the law and be thoroughly well-read in order to achieve. You need to be prepared to devote your time to learning entire cases and frameworks, and the structures and key clauses of relevant legislation. This is so that you can retain and relay information for exam season, perform well, and keep up in a competitive landscape of the law field.
Author: Oliver Curtis
Hi there. I’m Oliver. I’m just a young boy from the outskirts of… Okay, that’s a lie, I’m not a young boy anymore, although I certainly feel that way at heart.