What I learned from Working for a Company that Went Bankrupt

finance sector

It’s perhaps very easy to look back with a bit of jest at the situation I found myself in, when the company I dedicated a good few years of my life working for went totally bust. We were all laid off, bar no one at all, but as much as I never thought I’d get […]

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Navigating the Perilous World of Forex Trading


If it seems as if I’m dwelling a bit too much on that period in my life when I lost my job due to the company I was working for going bankrupt, it’s because it really had a huge impact on my life and perhaps played the biggest role in shaping the man I am […]

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My Love-Hate Relationship with the Insurance Industry

insurance industry

I remember the very first morning I woke up and didn’t have to eat breakfast in my car sitting in a rush-hour traffic jam. We had been warned about two weeks before the end of the month that the company had gone bust and that we’d effectively be working off our last few days, so […]

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5 Ways To Save Money As A Couple

save money couple

They say that two is better than one, but two also costs more than the price of one. There are loads of ways to save money as a couple, here are some of our top ways to save pennies when you are in a relationship. Learn to have fun dates without having to spend a […]

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