Most business owners start small. Advertising is a very lucrative business venture. Every business that you see makes use of advertising methods to promote their products or services. If you are looking into a business venture that will rake in the profits, consider becoming an advertiser – whether online, offline or both. Here are some of the basics of being an advertiser that you must know about, and maybe by the end of this article you will make up your mind and start your journey towards helping businesses market their wares.
Types of advertising
There are two main types of advertising: online and offline. Online advertising pertains to mobile ads, blogs, social media posts and advertisements embedded in websites. Online marketing has surged over the last couple of decades with the introduction of the Internet. These days when everyone is on their phones at all times, it is easier to target potential customers with strategically placed ads.
Offline advertising, on the other hand, is the traditional way of promoting a business: signage, banner printing, leaflets, brochures, flyers, direct mail and signboards. It is the oldest form of advertising that even with the advent of internet technology, still has a loyal following among businesses that are continuously looking for ways to market their goods. After all, a business card or a flyer from sites like Printivity can still bring just as much success as online marketing these days. Many businesses prefer this method.
What does an advertiser do?
An advertiser creates and executes ads for clients. They also measure the effectiveness of the ads they created by using mathematical algorithms and statistics. Although most advertisers work for agencies, freelancers are slowly gaining popularity, because their services are substantially less expensive than big advertising companies, and they can tailor ads to the needs of their clients.
Do you need a degree to become an advertiser?
Yes and no. If you wish to work in a big advertising company, chances are they will look for an advertising degree from you. A four-year advertising course covers strategic analysis and consumer psychology, among others. But some successful advertisers do not have degrees in advertising but are well-known in the industry. They rise from the ranks with experience and continuous learning. If you aim to start your own advertising company, but you don’t have a relevant educational degree, there are short courses you can take to prime yourself to become an advertiser, and then you can learn the rest as you go along.
An internship will be of great help
Interning in an advertising agency will provide you with the hands-on knowledge that you need later on. You can form professional relationships in the industry that you can later rely on to gain clients. It is crucial to be a cut above the rest so that when you decide to start your own advertising company, you are ready to take on the world.
If you want to take advertising a notch further, why not enrol in a formal class so you can learn all the ins and outs from professionals who will impart their knowledge to you so you can become a hot commodity in the advertising industry in the future.